Update Outdated Windows Drivers and More

Scan, download and install the latest drivers for your system with a few simple clicks to enhance system performance.

What are device drivers?

Every hardware component connected to your PC uses a set of instructions contained in a device driver file. Manufacturers periodically release updated driver files that fix known bugs or improve a component's overall performance.

Installation Instructions:

1. Click on the above "Download Link" or click here to start your download.
2. Click "Run"
3. Click "Yes" when you are prompted by your system for a confirmation.
4. Follow on-screen prompts to complete installation.

Update Windows Drivers

Windows driver updates are easy with WinZip Driver Updater. It will resolves driver conflicts, improves your computer's stability and system performance. This download is highly recommended for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 users.


Release Date

Oct 2011

Est. Download Time

56K: 9m, 512K: <1m

Backup and Restore

You can take a full backup of the existing drivers or specific drivers on your system easily using WinZip Driver Updater.

Driver Exclusion List

WinZip Driver Updater can exclude those drivers which cause system instability due to compatibility issues. On subsequent scans, such drivers will not come up in the scan results and will not be updated.

*An optional AVG Secure Search Toolbar may be offered through the WinZip download process.
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