WinZip Driver Updater will scan, identify and recommend driver updates. It can quickly and easily update drivers to boost performance and improve reliability to your PC


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  • Image icon of pc tower and meter for the safeguard text block on the WinZip Driver Updater page

    Safeguard your hardware and gain maximum performance with WinZip Driver Updater

    Regular scheduled driver updates ensure your system is receiving the most up-to-date bug fixes, power improvements and new features from the original manufacturer's driver updates.

  • Image icon of magnifying glass and download icon for the protect text block on the WinZip Driver Updater page

    Protect your system from faulty and unreliable aftermarket drivers with driver updates

    Installation of erroneous or outdated drivers could seize up your PC and place your system at risk. WinZip Driver Updater will accurately identify and consistently deliver only the correct drivers for your system.

  • Image icon of clock with arrow for the saves time text block on the the WinZip Driver Updater page

    WinZip Driver Updater Saves you time

    It can take numerous hours to track down each driver for all the hardware connected to your PC. WinZip Driver Updater achieves this in minutes through a quick scan and driver update process.

  • Image icon of shield with check mark for the safe and easy to use text block on the the WinZip Driver Updater page

    A Driver Updater that is Safe and Easy to Use

    WinZip Driver Updater includes safety features like automatic backups, restore wizard, exclusions and scheduler to keep your hardware performing worry-free.

  • Image icon of a badge with a check mark for the trusted and recommended text block on the the WinZip Driver Updater page

    A Trusted and Recommended Driver Updater

    WinZip Driver Updater is recommended as a trusted solution by industry experts.

Question mark icon for the why update my drivers text block Why update my drivers?

Every time your operating system and software applications are updated, new device drivers are needed to ensure your hardware retains full functionality. Also, many manufacturers do not contact you with information that a new driver has been released leaving you unaware of better functionality, added features or important security patches.

Question mark icon for the why update my drivers text block Why use WinZip Driver Updater?

One of the most important features of WinZip Driver Updater is how it sources its driver updates. WinZip Driver Updater sources from the original equipment manufacturer only. Other driver update tools collect from various sources on the Internet and store them on local servers. This means you run the risk of the drivers being out of date or even worse - contain malware or spyware. WinZip Driver Updater ensures you are getting maximum performance from your PC and its components with verified manufacturer device driver updates.

How to Update Your Drivers

Maximize performance and improve stability
of your PC with routine driver updates

WinZip Driver Updater is compatible with: Windows 10, 8, 7, & Vista.
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